Finding a part time job while studying abroad can be a great way to earn a tidy amount as pocket money, which might come handy in paying at least some part of your college expenses, without having to put extra burden on your parents, and most importantly, can help gain some work experience that can add value to your resume.
Easier said than done, working off hours while being at college, needs lot of self discipline and time management skills to do a perfect balancing act that does justice to your work as well as studies .If the job is in the domain you are about the join, it’s all the more good. But what is the secret behind ensuring that your work does not come in the way of finishing college with excellent grades, let us find out.
Take up a job preferably near to your college or accommodation
It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take up a job near to your college or accommodation as far as possible , as you can save precious time, which could have been otherwise lost on account of travelling to and fro. By near, it doesn’t mean that it has to be across your campus, a couple of miles from your place won’t be much of a problem as you can easily traverse it on a bicycle. For locations with excellent road and rail connectivity, even a couple of kilometers are fine.
Time management is the mantra
Squeezing the best out of the 24 hours available is the essence of any successful time management plan. Now since your primary aim is to study, make sure you dedicate maximum possible time for it and do not skip portions with the intention of catching up on studies in the last few weeks, when exam fever is at its peak, believe me, 9 out of 10 times it doesn’t work out. However apart from studies, dedicate some time for your weekly video chat with family, shopping, washing etc a proper time table chart can help you plan according.
Do not compromise on your sleep
Sleep should not be a casualty in your tight schedule, as sleep deprivation can have serious irreversible health issues. Getting hospitalized for a couple of days would be the last thing on your mind. Late night shifts on a regular basis must get hands down, unless you are working on weekends or vacations, with ample time to catch up on lost sleep. Moreover sleep deprivation can affect your memory and mental alertness, which can play havoc equally at college and work place.
Take a break from work during peak academic sessions
Sometimes, it would require you to take some time off from work, especially during project submission time or towards your exams, preferably, at least a month before your exam starts, this would help you dedicate full time for studies. Appraising your supervisor or your boss well in advance would be ideal, as your supervisor would appreciate your commitment towards studies and will respect for your truthfulness, a gesture that might help you retain the job once the peak time is over.
Devote time for yourself, once in a while
Be honest to yourself, no one can know you better than yourself. Be realistic about the amount of work you can handle. Do not take up lengthy hours of work, just because you are being offered a decent salary, as this can result in a burn out from which recovering would be an uphill task. Once in a while, take some time off for spending with your friends, dine out at your favorite restaurant or watch a movie, all this can help you unwind yourself and get charged for hectic schedule ahead.